Drug Offenses

Chapter 152 of the Minnesota statutes governs drug charges in Minnesota. The penalties associated with various drug offenses depend upon the substance at issue, the use of the substance, and the volume of the substance. The Minnesota drug and controlled substance statutes contain many categories of drug offenses:

  • First Degree Controlled Substance
  • Second Degree Controlled Substance
  • Third Degree Controlled Substance
  • Fourth Degree Controlled Substance
  • Fifth Degree Controlled Substance
  • Importing Controlled Substances
  • Possession of Substances With Intent to Manufacture Methamphetamine
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
  • Simulated Controlled Substances
  • Anhydrous Ammonia Prohibited Conduct
  • Methamphetamine Crime Involving Children & Vulnerable Adults

Drug Courts in Minnesota

Drug court is a special court that handles cases involving non-violent drug-using offenders through intensive judicial supervision, case management, treatment, chemical testing and graduated sanctions and incentives.  While drug courts vary, all share an underlying premise that drug use is not simply a law enforcement or criminal justice problem, but a public health problem with roots deep in society. A drug court is a problem-solving approach that uses the power of the court in collaboration with other participants (prosecutors, defense counsel, treatment providers, probation officers, law enforcement, educational and vocational experts, community leaders and others) to closely monitor the defendant’s progress toward sobriety and recovery through ongoing treatment, frequent drug testing, regular mandatory check-in court appearances, and the use of a range of immediate sanctions and incentives to foster behavior change. Drug courts are found in many, but not all, counties across Minnesota.

If you’ve been charged with drug use, possession, sale or manufacturing in Minnesota you should call a lawyer as soon as possible. The earlier you involve an attorney, the sooner we can gather evidence, interview witnesses, and address other issues in your case. Call our law firm now for a consultation: (218) 346-4995.
